Your Horoscope for the Month of May Is Officially Here
Find out how the stars will work in your favour this month.
Welcome to the luxurious and delightful month of May! This month will offer us many opportunities to align with the stars and bring our dreams to life. We enter May still in the midst of Taurus season, which asks us to keep our standards high and show up authentically. This is a great time to bring lovely and chic pieces into your home that will help you tap into a more self-assured and confident energy!
The month begins with a Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius on May 2 and staying with us until October. During this transit you will notice that you are feeling compelled to bring your shadow to the surface and finally accept yourself fully. Be aware of how everyone outside of your home is behaving, and only engage in kind, accepting, and understanding behaviour. On May 7 we have a New Moon in Taurus arriving to give us a chance to cook up a new, more pleasure-filled, and sensual lifestyle for ourselves. Ask yourself what you want when you let go of limiting beliefs, and let this New Moon plant new seeds on your life’s fertile soil. On May 15 we have Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) entering Taurus and joining the Taurus party with the sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus! All of this Taurean energy is sure to bring beauty and ease to your life!
On May 19 we have a major Mars-North Node conjunction happening in Aries! This transit is sure to bring motivation and drive forward for you to start a whole new chapter in your life. The very next day, the sun shifts into Gemini on May 20 and signals a new astrological season. How fitting for this “chapter change” energy that will be in the air?
The final week of May brings us a Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd. This Full Moon will encourage us to bring more culture, eccentricism, and authenticity into our lives – and our homes! On the very same day, Venus (the planet of beauty, love, and money) enters Gemini giving us a dose of fun and whimsy that we will end the month out with. The final transit of May is on the 25th when Jupiter (the planet of good luck, expansion, and fortune) enters Gemini and joins in with the sun and Venus to bring us all a dose of excitement to close May out with!
To learn more about how May will affect you personally, read on below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate insights for the month ahead!
When the Mars-North Node of Destiny conjunction happens on May 19 it will be deeply important for you to take action on your dreams. May is all about you putting yourself first and realising that the only way off of the “hamster wheel” of habits is to change the way you’re showing up to life. Wake up each morning for a week straight and simply tell yourself it is going to be a great day. You will start to see how something so simple can change the entire trajectory of your life. Don’t underestimate the power of your words, thoughts, and actions this month.
With the New Moon in your sign on May 7 you will start to realise that your life is truly yours for the making. Getting in touch with your spiritual side would be a great way to finally break free from the patterns that are causing you to be bitter, angry, or stuck. You are stubborn, but you are not hopeless. There is so much left to explore in this world, and May will finally open you up to a new way of perceiving the world if you are willing to listen to the calling. Try a new approach to spirituality and try to get deeper in touch with yourself.
You will feel like life and all of the people closest to you are starting to get sweeter, seemingly out of nowhere. But the moment that Venus (the planet of love) shifts into your sign on May 23, you are going to be a bundle of joy during this transit. Expect life to get much sweeter in May, and not just to celebrate your birthday, but yourself and every accomplishment that is coming your way!
You may be heading on a trip in May or starting to study something that makes you think in a new way. This will be especially evident to you as Saturn (the task-master planet of rules and regulation) still sits in dreamy Pisces in your ninth house all month long. If you are feeling like you want to give up, this month is a great time to encourage yourself to keep going. Even having something in your home that helps you to celebrate your sign and remind you of your superhuman capabilities of intuition and foresight so you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel again. You’ve already gone through the worst of it, life is only looking upward from here on out.
When the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on May 23 to motivate you. You may have been feeling tired and burnt out lately, wanting to take a vacation away from it all. But the real root cause of that exhaustion is from living out of alignment with your truth. If you can get really serious about who you are, what you’ve been through, and who you want to be going forward, that exhaustion will start to slip away and allow you to create a life that you are no longer running away from. Enjoy all of the moments you have, presently and mindfully. You deserve the goodness that life is providing you with in the here and now.
You’ve been giving yourself more time and space to unfold lately, and the universe is taking notice! A single night filled with rituals and treats won’t mend a sense of chaos. However, making a habit out of your self-prioritisation and setting stronger boundaries will! This will be especially evident to you when Mercury (your ruling planet of communication) enters into strong-willed Taurus and encourages you to stick to your word! If you are unwilling to take disrespect, you have to be willing to walk away when it presents itself.
The month of May is going to offer you a chance to reclaim your power as you start to allow your limits and negative beliefs to fall away. This will start to take place around the time that the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on May 23 and illuminates the ways in which you are holding yourself back from true happiness. There is no “villain” or “bad guy” who is causing you unhappiness. Instead, this is a month filled with opportunities to take accountability and let that fuel you into a chapter of confidence and taking action!
You are taking this month to really get clear with your intentions and start to set routines and habits that help you to achieve your goals. Although you are a water sign and have a very whimsical, emotional, and (sometimes) irrational approach to life, you are realising that you work better when you have a clear path laid out ahead of you. This will start to become easier to achieve when the Mars-North Node in Aries arrives on May 19 and lights up your sixth house of daily habits, work, and routines, giving you an extra dose of confidence to go after what you want with direction!
This is your month! With the sun, Venus (the planet love), and Jupiter (the planet of good luck and expansion) all sitting in your seventh house of relationships by May 25, you will start to feel like life is simply working in your favour. This is a great headspace to be in when you start to take action or create. There is very little standing in your way now, so what will you do with this blank canvas that you call life in May?
With the Mars-North Node of Destiny conjunction in Aries on May 19 you are going to feel like you have all of the energy in the world to spend with the people you love. Take advantage of this bountiful energy, but be sure to spend it with the ones who really matter to you! You could put together a themed party, spend time working out of a swanky hotel or co-working space, or even alone with fresh sheets and a good movie and napping in bed! However, and whoever you spend your time with in May, make sure that they fill your cup – even if that means filling it yourself.
With May here, you have nothing to worry about. You might go through the normal ebbs and flows of life, but for the most part this month will feel like smooth sailing to you. If you can get yourself out of the frame of mind that things “have to be hard” and instead start to expect ease and joy, you will notice that the external world starts to match you. You might notice that traffic, work, friendships, and relationships all feel easier around the time that the Mars-North Node of Destiny conjunction in Aries arrives on May 19. Take some time out that day to relax, share gratitude for the parts of life that you enjoy, and ultimately turn a new leaf with this positive frame of mind.
When it shifts from Taurus season into Gemini season on May 20, you will start to realise how much easier it is to roll with the punches than it is to try and control your life. Other people and external situations are not your responsibility to bear, so instead of trying to predict what’s ahead, why not hope for the best and try to stay present? This is much easier said than done, but with a few mindfulness practices and a safe space where you can fully unwind, the path to presentness is much more attainable this month than ever before.

About the author
Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.
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