Pisces season is a great time to let go of whatever might be dragging you down in life.
March Horoscope: What the Zodiac Has in Store for You This Month
Pisces season is a great time to let go of whatever might be dragging you down in life.
Welcome to the final full month before an astrological new year, a.k.a. March! This month we will have many opportunities to align with the stars and set ourselves up for happiness and success. We enter March still amid Pisces season, which asks us to tap into our spirituality, creativity, and romantic side so we can see the world from a more compassionate space. This is a great time to bring whimsical and feminine pieces into your home that will help you tap into a more optimistic and loving energy!
On March 9th, we have Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) entering into bold and fiery Aries. During this transit, you will notice speaking your truth and finding ways to express your unique style will be much easier. On the very next day, we have a New Moon in Pisces on March 10th. New Moons offer us a chance to manifest, and if we are keeping with the Piscean themes, a great prompt to ask yourself under this lunation would be: “What would my life look like if I were more open to love and creativity?”.
On the 11th, Venus (the planet of love, sex, beauty, and money) enters into Pisces as well. With a third planet joining the dreamy, watery Pisces party, this will amplify our emotions and you may find yourself love-struck, broken-hearted, or deep in your feelings. It’s important for you to focus on the things, people, and places that bring you joy and light you up during this transit. Make room for what works, and be willing to set boundaries and say “no” to the rest.
On the 19th, we shift from Pisces season into Aries season. This is also the day of the Equinox and Astrological New Year, meaning there is a chance for new beginnings and clean slates for us all. This is a great time to let go of whatever might be dragging you down in life and reconsider the way you’re living.
The final week of March offers us a chance to take action when Mars (the planet of aggression, passion, and forward movement) enters Pisces and encourages us to take a softer approach to life. On the 25th, we start the eclipse season as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra arrives. Eclipses offer us a chance to shake things up and remove whatever (or whoever) is holding us back. Try to avoid active manifestations or rituals under the eclipses – their energy can be sudden, intense, and often chaotic, meaning we will not want to use it, or save it for a rainy day! Instead, let whatever arises happen with a curious mind and an open heart. You are bound to find out some exciting news or revelations during this lunation!
Want to know more about how to align yourself with the stars in March? Read on below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate insights for the month ahead!
When Mercury enters your sign on March 9th you might be feeling like expressing yourself to others in a more straightforward way! There is no doubt that you’re feeling like you want to make a change this month, but this is really the time to take big risks and leaps of faith while you discover new aspects of yourself. Every time you go through a change, you will have a chance to see how the current version of you will respond. Try to avoid feeling down when things get hard in March, and instead try to feel excited about this opportunity to upgrade your life and your space!
With a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Libra on the 25th, you might be feeling called to change everything about your life and how it looks. Be cautious about throwing the baby out with the bath water, you will want to use your discernment before making irreversible changes. Instead, try to explore your creative eye during this lunation. Rearranging your space, putting new art on the wall, getting a temporary tattoo, or even dyeing your hair could all be great outlets for self-expression this month. You will notice how much more receptive people are towards you when you are aligning with your creative urges this month.
With Mercury (your ruling planet of communication) in bold Aries on the 9th, you might feel a little “on edge”. It’s important for you to rest this month as you shift between Pisces' season and Aries' season. You might feel overwhelmed with a sense of urgency, but the universe is bringing you this excess energy so you can spend it on hobbies, crafts, and creative endeavours – not overthinking! Try to ease your mind with a long bath, a workout, or a day without your phone. You will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly this edgy feeling leaves you once you start prioritising yourself.
With the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra lighting up your seventh house of relationships and long-term commitments on the 25th, you will start to notice your true emotions when it comes to connecting with others. There is no shortage of joy and learning that comes from letting the right people into your heart, but it’s your job to open up when the timing is right. Give yourself (and others) a chance to dive deeper this month by truly listening. You might also benefit from taking a day outside with a podcast or book that’s focused on true vulnerability or intimacy. This is the perfect month to turn your life around for the better and start cultivating the type of life-long connections you deserve and desire!
With Mercury in fellow fire sign Aries on the 9th, you are going to feel confident and self-assured when it comes to business dealings, dates, and presentations this month. You might be connecting with someone you’ve been wishing for, and now is the time to strike while the iron is hot! Don’t be afraid to initiate. Whenever you put yourself out there, it seems to work in your favour. If you can read up on inspirational people who have already done what you are trying to do, this will help your subconscious to realise one very important thing: anything you want is possible, Leo.
With the sun in dreamy Pisces for the first few weeks of the month, lighting up your seventh house of partnerships and commitments, you are going to be tested to “go the distance” with something or someone! You might not feel like you are in the right place in life to make such a big commitment, but the universe is nudging you forward. You have done all of the preparation necessary to take this leap of faith, so do not fret when the opportunity arises, Virgo! When the sun shifts into Aries on the 19th, you will feel totally invested and intertwined in the best possible way. And what’s better than that comfy, cosy, sense of security for you my earthling?
This month is all about you taking centre stage in your own reality again and no longer playing side characters in other people’s stories. You are destined to be seen in a new way, and the universe is nudging you with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 25th to shake off the old habits and behaviours that have kept you in the shadows for far too long. This might be a great month for you to seek out additional forms of support (therapy, bodywork, acupuncture, sound baths, or joining a group or organisation you align with) and finally feel like you can be your authentic self. There is no need to “fix” yourself, only a deeper desire to feel better. This month is all about you becoming your top priority!
When Venus (the planet of love and money) enters into fellow water sign Pisces on the 11th, you will feel like your heart is ablaze with ooey-gooey feelings of desire! You are naturally a very sensual and intriguing person, but when this transit happens it is going to feel like people are coming from the rafters to spend time with you and get to know you on a deeper level. Open your heart and make sure that you are taking yourself out in order to be in the line of sight of the right people and opportunities. Your home might feel extra cosy right now, but getting out into the world is exactly where March’s energy is urging you. Go have fun for us all, Scorpio!
March will be bringing you more stability and this will help you to heal a part of you that may not have felt safe in recent times. Instead of switching your life or lifestyle up again, why not take some time to relish in the goodness of the current moment and rest? A great way to take advantage of Venus entering Pisces and transiting your fourth house of home and family would be to spend time contemplating the type of close relationships you have and whether or not they are helping you to feel confident and at peace. If there is anyone in your circle that makes you question your sense of self or worthiness, this will be the perfect time to have hard conversations or at the very least, say “no” and separate yourself from the ones you feel misaligned with. Spending time alone, or at home, is not a punishment, Sag. It’s actually a gift.
This will be a rather social month for you and you would benefit greatly from saying “yes” to unexpected plans and engagements. You are going to be met with many opportunities to expand your friend circle and maybe even sneak in some time for romance if you are feeling ready for it! The energy of March is going to be opportunistic, connective, and exciting for you, especially around the time that Venus enters Pisces on the 11th and graces your third house of socialising. You will feel flirty, fun, and intrigued this month by the people that you cross paths with. Don’t be afraid to host if the mood strikes! The end of this month will have a positive energy for you to initiate, host, and gather!
With a New Moon in Pisces on the 10th transiting your second house of money and career, you might find yourself spending a lot of time on new projects and opportunities to boost your work life! This is an extremely exciting and creative time for you, but the message of March is to not burn yourself out by prioritising deadlines over your own well-being and mental health. Be sure to set boundaries around your time, blocking off chunks of your day for a walk, a nap, or a break. You are deserving of the best of both worlds, Aquarius! Don’t let an uptick in your work opportunities allow you to abandon ship. You are so close to being able to find balance and March may just be the month that seals the deal!
We are still swimming through watery Pisces season for the first two and half weeks of the month, meaning you are still more than allowed to be celebrating your magical self! However, you will feel this uplifting energy the most when Venus (the planet of love and money) enters your sign and lights up your first house of self and identity on the 11th. This will give you a chance to be more kind and gentle with yourself as you move through life’s ebbs and flows this month. You are finally realising that the more you accept your past and trust your future, the more time you can spend in the present moment. Simply being. You are enough as you are, Pisces. Let this month be mellow and loving, just like you are on a good day!

About the author
Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.