Your Monthly Horoscope for June Is Officially Here
The month of June is sure to bring a wave of excitement as we welcome a life-changing moment on the first day of the month.
The month of June is sure to bring a wave of excitement and surprise as we welcome a life-changing moment on the first day of the month: North Node Jupiter conjunction in the luxurious and abundant sign of Taurus! All 12 of the zodiac signs are sure to see changes in their finances and the opportunities that present themselves. If you’ve been feeling like it’s time to rest and receive, the month of June will be the perfect time to do so!
With a Full Moon in Sagittarius coming on June 3rd, expect yourself to let go of anyone or anything that makes you feel restricted and uncomfortable at home. Your safe space is about to get a revamp, and there is no better time to invest in creating a cosy bedroom to help you “dream big” than this powerful Full Moon!
Later in the month, we have Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) entering chatty and curious Gemini on June 11th. This transit is sure to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and bring something fun and lively into your life to help you take on exciting twists and turns with grace!
When the sun enters into homey and sensitive Cancer on June 21st, you’ll be begging to have more rest and solitude in your weekly routine. Instead of saying “yes” to everyone and everything, try to set healthy boundaries around your time and energy before the month concludes. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so the last couple of weeks in the month of June are all about self-prioritisation and making your living space feel like a true home!
Want to know more about how to align with the stars this month? Read below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate info for the month ahead!
You are going to have opportunities to update your space this month with new financial opportunities after the North Node & Jupiter conjunction in Taurus occurs on June 1st in your second house of finances. This prosperous transit will set the tone for a fruitful month ahead. Don’t be surprised if it feels like people are approaching you out of the woodwork to collaborate or to invite you along their journey upward. Remember: you don’t always have to grind in order to prosper. Sometimes resting in bed after a long week is the best next step in your journey. If you honour when you’ve reached your limits, you may start to feel more mellow in June as you shift into the mode of “receiving”. You’re allowed to have a life that feels good (and a bit easier) now.
Taurus, the month of June could provide you with moments of self-discovery and alignment like never before. It may have felt like life was moving along merrily for you up until now, but something is going to finally “click” with the way you understand life and its path ahead that will make you feel more confident in your own skin. Instead of thinking about your goals and dreams as a “better” version of you, you’ll start to realise you are an already whole being who simply has desires when the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives in your eighth house of transformation. What a sigh of relief! Let yourself rest after that weighty realisation; colours such as Oatmeal and Fog will help you nurture your newfound sense of inner peace.
Dearest Gemini, the month of June will be a time to celebrate (and not just your birthday season!). You will have many opportunities to express yourself through your work and inside of your close relationships that will finally allow you to feel understood. You will feel like you’re on your A-game this month as you network, have bonding conversations with friends, and even potentially start a new job or relationship due to your finesse! This will feel especially potent when the New Moon in Gemini arrives in your first house of identity and outward appearance on June 18th. If you’ve been looking forward to a big break, now is the time Gemini! Don’t forget to get your beauty rest before this opportunity arrives.
Dear Cancer, you are going to be feeling the importance of taking care of your body and looking at your health in a new light during the month of June. Health isn’t just rigid rules around your diet and exercise, it is an overall sense of well-being that comes from tending to your body in a unique and individual way. This month, try to listen to the ways your body wants to be taken care of. This might look like taking a half day at work, going to the beach, refraining from alcohol, or simply speaking kindly to yourself and about yourself. These tiny shifts in the way we are relating to ourselves and caring for ourselves make a world of difference over time and it’s your time to feel good from the inside out! One of the most important pillars of health is having a good bedtime routine, even as an adult! Try winding down and unplugging from all technology for a minimum of 30 minutes before you sleep. Switch out your bedside table light to red hues to help with your circadian rhythm. Even small changes can make drastic differences to your quality of life!
Leo, this month will have you feeling slightly run down by the work that you’re doing. Throughout the month, we will still have the fiery and energised planet of Mars in your sign of Leo. This can make you feel inspired, but also additionally wired by the end of the day. It will be important in June to take time in nature, rest, and in moments of solitude to rebalance your energy levels. Meditation is going to be your best-kept secret this month, allowing you to go into a balanced state when you do have to leave the house, walk around town, or interact with others. Set up a cosy place for your meditation practice with essential oils, Sage or Lilac sheets, incense, or even just by putting on gentle music that will bring a tranquil and gentle feel into your sacred space!
Virgo, you are going to feel inspired to travel to places near and far during the month of June! There are places you’ve had on your bucket list that are ready to be crossed off this month. Even if it’s a new restaurant in town, allow yourself to get into the exploratory energy that your soul is calling for in June. This sense of novelty is going to inspire you to work on new creative projects and start to look at life, creativity, and work, and how they all intersect in a brand new way. Having a hard time figuring out where to start this exciting new chapter? Throw on something cosy and see what comes up in your dreams. Maybe the answer to your next travel destination is something your mind conjures up while you’re sleeping!
Dearest Libra, you are being called to focus on your friendships and sense of community in the month of June as the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives in your third house of communication and interests on June 3rd. This will set the tone for you to remove anyone or anything that no longer makes you feel loved and accepted from your life and make room for who and what does! In order to handle this transit properly and ensure you are not acting in haste, you’ll want to sleep on it. Warm colours such as Terracotta and Turmeric will help you bring a sense of calm and peace into the decision and further trust that you will make the right choice for *you*!
Scorpio, your home is going to be in a state of change as the New Moon in Gemini arrives in your eighth house of transformation on June 18th. This will have you feeling inspired to change up the colour of the walls, add new window dressings, buy that funky new art piece or coffee table book you’ve been eyeing, and ultimately make your sacred space feel more authentically like you! From the cutlery you use to the colour of your sheets, you will start to feel excited and aligned with each aspect of your home in June and beyond. Try pieces you enjoy seeing and using each day. That sense of feeling understood by yourself will help you feel empowered, confident, and ready to take on the world when you leave your home space! That is, if you ever want to leave!
Dearest Sag, with the Full Moon in your sign of Sagittarius happening on June 3rd, you are going to feel illuminated and lively during this transit! Might I suggest hosting some of your closest people over for a game night or brunch? June is the perfect opportunity for you to invite others into your home and open up doors of opportunity to deepen your bonds, make new memories, and even brainstorm for your next trip or creative project! Sometimes we just need to invite a new perspective in to get our wheels turning again. And if you plan on having a sleepover as a part of your social hang, try cooking up something special to really “wow” your guests!
Capricorn, this month will have you in true “homemaker” mode. Instead of ordering takeout, why not try a new recipe or two this month that can get you back into an inspired swing? A fresh summer salad, or a whipped ricotta and blackberry sourdough are perfect and simple ways to remind you how to connect with the earth, yourself, and your time. Your life is not in any sort of rush, so why should you be? Take June to slow down and reconnect with the present moment through mindful activities and home-cooked meals!
Aquarius, this month is all about clearing the house! You will benefit from cleaning your space, deep scrubbing your bathroom, downsizing your closet, and changing out your bedding with fresh sheets. When you take time to clean and shift the energy around in your home, it brings a “fresh” perspective to the rest of your life. Your work, relationships, and sense of self will all benefit from taking a weekend (or two) to refresh your space.
Pisces, your home is a reflection of your internal world, and you will benefit from looking around and seeing what feels good and what no longer does. With Saturn, our task-master planet of rules and dedication, sitting in your sign throughout the month, you will feel called to donate or sell anything from your past that holds stagnant energy. Think about old clothes that remind you of dating your ex, sheets that you’ve kept for decades, or art that you’ve had since high school… These things served a beautiful purpose back then, but it might be time to lean into the present moment! Try to have fun along the way as you walk down memory lane (maybe even incorporate some wordplay into this ritual of “clearing the fog” with these Fog sheets) and then we can go from there. One step at a time, right Pisces?

About the author
Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.
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